
Showing posts from October, 2012

Ray on the Raspberry Pi

Jean-Francis Roy (Funtoo Core Team member) compiled and tested Ray on the Raspberry Pi. The patch against Open-MPI 1.6.2 (based on this blog post ): Raspberry-Pi-openmpi-1.6.2.patch Ray version: 2.1.0 RayPlatform 1.1.0 Command: mpiexec -n 8 Ray \  -test-network-only \  -o \  popo Result: # average and mode round trip latency in microseconds (10^-6 seconds) when requesting a reply for a message of 4000 bytes # MessagePassingInterfaceRank    Name    ModeLatencyInMicroseconds    AverageLatencyInMicroseconds    NumberOfExchanges # AverageForAllRanks: 1747 # StandardDeviation: 30.749 0    funtoo-pi    149    1775    1000 1    funtoo-pi    149    1734    1000 2    funtoo-pi    155    1798    1000 3    funto...

Programme des Séminaires de l’axe des maladies infectieuses et immunitaires du CHUQ

2012~2013 Programme des Séminaires de l’axe des maladies infectieuses et immunitaires du CHUQ Tous les jeudis à 15 pm à l'amphithéâtre du Bloc T Responsable : Sachiko Sato, poste 48647 ______________________________________________________________________ 18 octobre 2102 Groupe de Jean Sévigny Dr Jean Sévigny Le dernier membre de la famille des ectonucléotidases, La NTPDase8 - de son identité à la souris KO ______________________________________________________________________ 25 octobre 2012 Groupe de Denis Leclerc Dr Denis Leclerc La papaye qui prévient, vaccine et traite les maladies infectieuses ou la papaye qui traite tous les maux ______________________________________________________________________ 1 novembre 2012 Dr Adnane Sellam Institut de Recherche en Immunologie et en Cancérologie (IRIC), Montréal Régulation transcriptionnelle des processus infectieux de...

Message passing, MPI ranks, threads, and mini-ranks

Hey, The name's Sébastien Boisvert (Sebastian GreenWood in English). It's been a while since my last significant post. That's because I was busy. What I have been up to I have been busy for the last 4 months (July, August, September, October 2012) with these major tasks: - preparing a manuscript about scalable metagenomics; - submitting (and resubmitting owing to editorial rejections) my manuscript ; - coding ( Ray plugins , RayPlatform engine ); - participating to a 1-week workshop in Utah, U.S.A. in August 2012; - visiting researchers at Argonne National Laboratory in October 2012; - preparing the 2013 Compute Canada proposal for my director; - helping with a Genome Canada grant application based on Ray plugins and RayPlatform; - buying a new computer (my Samsung NP-NF210 lost some keys); - working on a contract for the CLUMEQ super computing center (they are picky about confidential information). Manuscript publication means more coding I am ab...