A survey of the burgeoning industry of cloud genomics
I like lists. Here is a list of companies in the cloud genomics industry. Table 1: Companies acting in the industry of cloud genomics. The list is in no particular order. Company Products People Founded Link GenoSpace, LLC - GenoSpace platform - John Quackenbush (CEO) 2011 https://www.genospace.com/ DNAnexus, Inc. - DNAnexus Platform - DNAnexus Platform SDK (a.k.a. dx-toolkit) - Serafim Batzoglou (co-founder) - Andreas Sundquist (co-founder and CTO) - a bunch of other famous people in the field 2009 https://dnanexus.com/ Seven Bridges Genomics, Inc. - IGOR - IGOR Python SDK - Igor Bogicevic (CTO) 2009 https://www.sbgenomics.com/ BGI - EasyGenomics - Xing Xu (Senior Product Manager) Introduced in 2012 https://www.easygenomics.com/ Illumina, Inc. - BaseSpace™ - BaseSpace API - Alex Dickinson (SVP of Cloud Genomics) Introduced in 2011 https://basespace.illumina.com/ Era7 Information Technologies SLU - BG7...