Passing messages in the cloud
In this tutorial, I will show how to run Ray (v2.0.0-rc7) on 4 Amazon EC2 small instances (m1.small).
Tests with micro instances showed that it does not work for high performance computing. The virtual core of a micro instance works at 5% sometimes, and it does not work at all most of the time. That is why it is free !
For a list of instance types, see this page.
Each small instance will provide 1 virtual core with 1 Elastic Cloud Unit and 1.7 GB memory. We will run Ray on 4 instances with message passing in the cloud.
A small instance cost 0.080 $ per hour (on-demand pricing). So this tutorial should cost me 0.32 $ for the small instances and maybe some more for the Elastic Block Storage although I think this is free at some point.
You can also pay upfront for a term of 1 year or 3 years to have a lower pricing.
Tasks to do on the Amazon Web Services Console
First, I spawned 4 m1.small instances in the same zone with Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits. When creating your instances, be careful to select permissive firewall rules as mpiexec will use port 22 and various TCP/IP ports too.
In this tutorial, I called the instances ray0, ray1, ray2 and ray3.
At this point, you should also have a key file for connecting to this instances. I called mine BlackMesa.pem.
The job will be launched from ray0. What is needed to do distributed computing
is a network file system and reachable TCP/IP addresses.
Here, I used SSHFS to deploy the network file system using the
TCP/IP interconnect readily available on Amazon EC2. The backend for the
network file system is simply the Elastic Block Storage. Therefore, the method used here to create the network file system can be
called SSHFS/EBS.
Other ways of setting a network file systems are: Lustre, NFS, Amazon S3 with
Stuff to do only on ray0
First, connect to ray0.
ssh -i BlackMesa.pem
Here we create the source for our network file system.
mkdir NetworkFileSystem.0
cd NetworkFileSystem.0
And we also create a machine file for MPI for it to know what
instances to use as MPI ranks.
vim Machines.txt
cat Machines.txt
Next, we need to add the hosts to the list of known hosts to avoid
(yes/no) questions later.
for i in $(cat Machines.txt)
ssh -i ~/BlackMesa.pem $i date
Then we transfer sequence data.
scp -r .
Now we are done for this part.
Tasks to do on ray0, ray1, ray2, ray3
(You need to repeat this section for each instance, that is 4 times.)
Install software with APT-GET.
sudo apt-get install -y openmpi1.5-dev openmpi1.5-bin pentium-builder g++ sshfs
Get the private key. This is needed to mount the file system.
scp .
Then we mount the network file system.
mkdir NetworkFileSystem
sshfs -o IdentityFile=/home/ubuntu/BlackMesa.pem \ NetworkFileSystem
Stuff to do on ray0
Now we will install Ray in the network file system.
cd NetworkFileSystem
tar xjf Ray-v2.0.0-rc7.tar.bz2
cd Ray-v2.0.0-rc7
make PREFIX=/home/ubuntu/NetworkFileSystem/RayCloudApplication
make install
Now, we will test the network with Ray.
mpiexec -n 4 -machinefile Machines.txt \
./RayCloudApplication/Ray \
-test-network-only \
-o CloudNetworkTest | tee CloudNetworkTest.log
cat CloudNetworkTest/NetworkTest.txt
ubuntu@ip-10-38-49-187:~/NetworkFileSystem$ cat
# average latency in microseconds (10^-6 seconds) when requesting a reply for
# a message of 4000 bytes
# MessagePassingInterfaceRank Name ModeLatencyInMicroseconds
# NumberOfTestMessages
# AverageForAllRanks: 16.75
# StandardDeviation: 1.22474
0 ip-10-38-49-187 18 4000
1 ip-10-244-135-103 14 4000
2 ip-10-32-219-241 17 4000
3 ip-10-38-51-160 18 4000
This is very low. Maybe because my 4 instances are on the same physical
computer or on the same rack. I don't know.
Finally, we are ready to assemble our data in the cloud.
mpiexec -n 4 -machinefile Machines.txt \
./RayCloudApplication/Ray \
-k 31 -p Sample/_1.fasta Sample/_2.fasta \
-o CloudAssembly | tee CloudAssembly.log
Let us check some files.
cat CloudAssembly/RayVersion.txt
Ray version: 2.0.0-rc7
cat CloudAssembly/RayPlatform_Version.txt
RayPlatform 1.0.2
cat CloudAssembly/OutputNumbers.txt
Contigs >= 100 nt
Number: 34
Total length: 69851
Average: 2054
N50: 3207
Median: 1660
Largest: 6591
Contigs >= 500 nt
Number: 26
Total length: 67913
Average: 2612
N50: 3335
Median: 2332
Largest: 6591
Scaffolds >= 100 nt
Number: 31
Total length: 70135
Average: 2262
N50: 4045
Median: 1631
Largest: 6591
Scaffolds >= 500 nt
Number: 23
Total length: 68197
Average: 2965
N50: 4808
Median: 2410
Largest: 6591
cat CloudAssembly/LibraryStatistics.txt
NumberOfPairedLibraries: 1
LibraryNumber: 0
InputFormat: TwoFiles,Paired
DetectionType: Automatic
File: Sample/_1.fasta
NumberOfSequences: 10000
File: Sample/_2.fasta
NumberOfSequences: 10000
Distribution: CloudAssembly/Library0.txt
Peak 0
AverageOuterDistance: 199
StandardDeviation: 19
cat CloudAssembly/CoverageDistributionAnalysis.txt
k-mer length: 31
Number of k-mers in the distributed de Bruijn graph: 149320
Lowest coverage observed: 2
MinimumCoverage: 3
PeakCoverage: 9
RepeatCoverage: 15
Number of k-mers with at least MinimumCoverage: 147164 k-mers
Percentage of vertices with coverage 2: 1.44388 %
DistributionFile: CloudAssembly/CoverageDistribution.txt
ls CloudAssembly/Plugins
ls CloudAssembly/Scheduling
cat CloudAssembly/Scheduling/0.MasterTicks.txt
cat CloudAssembly/Scheduling/2.MasterTicks.txt
cat CloudAssembly/Scheduling/3.SlaveTicks.txt
Tests with micro instances showed that it does not work for high performance computing. The virtual core of a micro instance works at 5% sometimes, and it does not work at all most of the time. That is why it is free !
For a list of instance types, see this page.
Each small instance will provide 1 virtual core with 1 Elastic Cloud Unit and 1.7 GB memory. We will run Ray on 4 instances with message passing in the cloud.
A small instance cost 0.080 $ per hour (on-demand pricing). So this tutorial should cost me 0.32 $ for the small instances and maybe some more for the Elastic Block Storage although I think this is free at some point.
You can also pay upfront for a term of 1 year or 3 years to have a lower pricing.
Tasks to do on the Amazon Web Services Console
First, I spawned 4 m1.small instances in the same zone with Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits. When creating your instances, be careful to select permissive firewall rules as mpiexec will use port 22 and various TCP/IP ports too.
In this tutorial, I called the instances ray0, ray1, ray2 and ray3.
Name | Instance | Public DNS |
ray0 | i-25c6ad43 | |
ray1 | i-23c6ad45 | |
ray2 | i-21c6ad47 | |
ray3 | i-2fc6ad49 | |
At this point, you should also have a key file for connecting to this instances. I called mine BlackMesa.pem.
The job will be launched from ray0. What is needed to do distributed computing
is a network file system and reachable TCP/IP addresses.
Here, I used SSHFS to deploy the network file system using the
TCP/IP interconnect readily available on Amazon EC2. The backend for the
network file system is simply the Elastic Block Storage. Therefore, the method used here to create the network file system can be
called SSHFS/EBS.
Other ways of setting a network file systems are: Lustre, NFS, Amazon S3 with
Stuff to do only on ray0
First, connect to ray0.
ssh -i BlackMesa.pem
Here we create the source for our network file system.
mkdir NetworkFileSystem.0
cd NetworkFileSystem.0
And we also create a machine file for MPI for it to know what
instances to use as MPI ranks.
vim Machines.txt
cat Machines.txt
Next, we need to add the hosts to the list of known hosts to avoid
(yes/no) questions later.
for i in $(cat Machines.txt)
ssh -i ~/BlackMesa.pem $i date
Then we transfer sequence data.
scp -r .
Now we are done for this part.
Tasks to do on ray0, ray1, ray2, ray3
(You need to repeat this section for each instance, that is 4 times.)
Install software with APT-GET.
sudo apt-get install -y openmpi1.5-dev openmpi1.5-bin pentium-builder g++ sshfs
Get the private key. This is needed to mount the file system.
scp .
Then we mount the network file system.
mkdir NetworkFileSystem
sshfs -o IdentityFile=/home/ubuntu/BlackMesa.pem \ NetworkFileSystem
Stuff to do on ray0
First, we copy the private key in a place where Open-MPI/ssh will find it.
cp ~/BlackMesa.pem ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Now we will install Ray in the network file system.
cd NetworkFileSystem
tar xjf Ray-v2.0.0-rc7.tar.bz2
cd Ray-v2.0.0-rc7
make PREFIX=/home/ubuntu/NetworkFileSystem/RayCloudApplication
make install
Now, we will test the network with Ray.
mpiexec -n 4 -machinefile Machines.txt \
./RayCloudApplication/Ray \
-test-network-only \
-o CloudNetworkTest | tee CloudNetworkTest.log
cat CloudNetworkTest/NetworkTest.txt
ubuntu@ip-10-38-49-187:~/NetworkFileSystem$ cat
# average latency in microseconds (10^-6 seconds) when requesting a reply for
# a message of 4000 bytes
# MessagePassingInterfaceRank Name ModeLatencyInMicroseconds
# NumberOfTestMessages
# AverageForAllRanks: 16.75
# StandardDeviation: 1.22474
0 ip-10-38-49-187 18 4000
1 ip-10-244-135-103 14 4000
2 ip-10-32-219-241 17 4000
3 ip-10-38-51-160 18 4000
This is very low. Maybe because my 4 instances are on the same physical
computer or on the same rack. I don't know.
Finally, we are ready to assemble our data in the cloud.
mpiexec -n 4 -machinefile Machines.txt \
./RayCloudApplication/Ray \
-k 31 -p Sample/_1.fasta Sample/_2.fasta \
-o CloudAssembly | tee CloudAssembly.log
Let us check some files.
cat CloudAssembly/ElapsedTime.txt
Elapsed time for each step, Fri May 18 03:08:58 2012
Network testing: 29 seconds
Counting sequences to assemble: 0 seconds
Sequence loading: 0 seconds
K-mer counting: 12 seconds
Coverage distribution analysis: 1 seconds
Graph construction: 24 seconds
Null edge purging: 6 seconds
Selection of optimal read markers: 14 seconds
Detection of assembly seeds: 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Estimation of outer distances for paired reads: 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Bidirectional extension of seeds: 9 minutes, 45 seconds
Merging of redundant paths: 14 minutes, 33 seconds
Generation of contigs: 0 seconds
Scaffolding of contigs: 5 minutes, 11 seconds
Counting sequences to search: 0 seconds
Graph coloring: 0 seconds
Counting contig biological abundances: 6 seconds
Counting sequence biological abundances: 0 seconds
Loading taxons: 0 seconds
Loading tree: 0 seconds
Processing gene ontologies: 0 seconds
Computing neighbourhoods: 0 seconds
Total: 35 minutes, 47 seconds
Elapsed time for each step, Fri May 18 03:08:58 2012
Network testing: 29 seconds
Counting sequences to assemble: 0 seconds
Sequence loading: 0 seconds
K-mer counting: 12 seconds
Coverage distribution analysis: 1 seconds
Graph construction: 24 seconds
Null edge purging: 6 seconds
Selection of optimal read markers: 14 seconds
Detection of assembly seeds: 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Estimation of outer distances for paired reads: 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Bidirectional extension of seeds: 9 minutes, 45 seconds
Merging of redundant paths: 14 minutes, 33 seconds
Generation of contigs: 0 seconds
Scaffolding of contigs: 5 minutes, 11 seconds
Counting sequences to search: 0 seconds
Graph coloring: 0 seconds
Counting contig biological abundances: 6 seconds
Counting sequence biological abundances: 0 seconds
Loading taxons: 0 seconds
Loading tree: 0 seconds
Processing gene ontologies: 0 seconds
Computing neighbourhoods: 0 seconds
Total: 35 minutes, 47 seconds
cat CloudAssembly/RayVersion.txt
Ray version: 2.0.0-rc7
cat CloudAssembly/RayPlatform_Version.txt
RayPlatform 1.0.2
cat CloudAssembly/OutputNumbers.txt
Contigs >= 100 nt
Number: 34
Total length: 69851
Average: 2054
N50: 3207
Median: 1660
Largest: 6591
Contigs >= 500 nt
Number: 26
Total length: 67913
Average: 2612
N50: 3335
Median: 2332
Largest: 6591
Scaffolds >= 100 nt
Number: 31
Total length: 70135
Average: 2262
N50: 4045
Median: 1631
Largest: 6591
Scaffolds >= 500 nt
Number: 23
Total length: 68197
Average: 2965
N50: 4808
Median: 2410
Largest: 6591
cat CloudAssembly/LibraryStatistics.txt
NumberOfPairedLibraries: 1
LibraryNumber: 0
InputFormat: TwoFiles,Paired
DetectionType: Automatic
File: Sample/_1.fasta
NumberOfSequences: 10000
File: Sample/_2.fasta
NumberOfSequences: 10000
Distribution: CloudAssembly/Library0.txt
Peak 0
AverageOuterDistance: 199
StandardDeviation: 19
cat CloudAssembly/CoverageDistributionAnalysis.txt
k-mer length: 31
Number of k-mers in the distributed de Bruijn graph: 149320
Lowest coverage observed: 2
MinimumCoverage: 3
PeakCoverage: 9
RepeatCoverage: 15
Number of k-mers with at least MinimumCoverage: 147164 k-mers
Percentage of vertices with coverage 2: 1.44388 %
DistributionFile: CloudAssembly/CoverageDistribution.txt
ls CloudAssembly/Plugins
ls CloudAssembly/Scheduling
cat CloudAssembly/Scheduling/0.MasterTicks.txt
Index | Master mode | Start time in milliseconds | End time in milliseconds | Duration in milliseconds | Number of ticks | Average granularity in nanoseconds |
0 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_LOAD_CONFIG | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1000000 |
1 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TEST_NETWORK | 1 | 28384 | 28383 | 4978634 | 5700 |
2 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_COUNT_FILE_ENTRIES | 28384 | 28722 | 338 | 8197 | 41234 |
3 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_LOAD_SEQUENCES | 28722 | 28722 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
4 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 28722 | 29128 | 406 | 34884 | 11638 |
5 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TRIGGER_VERTICE_DISTRIBUTION | 29128 | 29128 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
6 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 29128 | 41289 | 12161 | 1970193 | 6172 |
7 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_PREPARE_DISTRIBUTIONS | 41289 | 41289 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
8 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 41289 | 41295 | 6 | 94 | 63829 |
10 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 41295 | 41386 | 91 | 126 | 722222 |
11 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_SEND_COVERAGE_VALUES | 41386 | 41386 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
12 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 41386 | 41431 | 45 | 14771 | 3046 |
13 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TRIGGER_GRAPH_BUILDING | 41431 | 41431 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
14 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 41431 | 65663 | 24232 | 3830837 | 6325 |
15 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_PURGE_NULL_EDGES | 65663 | 65688 | 25 | 1 | 25000000 |
16 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 65688 | 71772 | 6084 | 874612 | 6956 |
17 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_WRITE_KMERS | 71772 | 72086 | 314 | 35569 | 8827 |
18 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TRIGGER_INDEXING | 72086 | 72086 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
19 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 72086 | 85963 | 13877 | 2114629 | 6562 |
20 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_PREPARE_SEEDING | 85963 | 85968 | 5 | 1 | 5000000 |
21 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TRIGGER_SEEDING | 85968 | 85968 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
22 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 85968 | 226937 | 140969 | 24690296 | 5709 |
23 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TRIGGER_DETECTION | 226937 | 226937 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
24 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 226937 | 371422 | 144485 | 25985741 | 5560 |
25 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_ASK_DISTANCES | 371422 | 371422 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
26 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 371422 | 371450 | 28 | 195 | 143589 |
27 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_START_UPDATING_DISTANCES | 371450 | 371450 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
28 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_UPDATE_DISTANCES | 371450 | 371531 | 81 | 5711 | 14183 |
29 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TRIGGER_EXTENSIONS | 371531 | 371531 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
30 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 371531 | 956517 | 584986 | 101238269 | 5778 |
31 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TRIGGER_FUSIONS | 956517 | 956517 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
32 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_TRIGGER_FIRST_FUSIONS | 956517 | 956517 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
33 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_START_FUSION_CYCLE | 956517 | 1830216 | 873699 | 151986087 | 5748 |
34 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_ASK_EXTENSIONS | 1830216 | 1830337 | 121 | 14395 | 8405 |
35 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_SCAFFOLDER | 1830337 | 1830337 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
36 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1830337 | 2139880 | 309543 | 54403163 | 5689 |
37 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_WRITE_SCAFFOLDS | 2139880 | 2141209 | 1329 | 222425 | 5975 |
38 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_COUNT_SEARCH_ELEMENTS | 2141209 | 2141231 | 22 | 5269 | 4175 |
39 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_ADD_COLORS | 2141231 | 2141317 | 86 | 19 | 4526315 |
40 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_CONTIG_BIOLOGICAL_ABUNDANCES | 2141317 | 2146382 | 5065 | 862888 | 5869 |
41 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_SEQUENCE_BIOLOGICAL_ABUNDANCES | 2146382 | 2146510 | 128 | 14545 | 8800 |
42 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_SEARCHER_CLOSE | 2146510 | 2146512 | 2 | 7 | 285714 |
43 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_PHYLOGENY_MAIN | 2146512 | 2146724 | 212 | 14596 | 14524 |
44 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_ONTOLOGY_MAIN | 2146724 | 2146872 | 148 | 17121 | 8644 |
45 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_NEIGHBOURHOOD | 2146872 | 2146962 | 90 | 7591 | 11856 |
46 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_KILL_RANKS | 2146962 | 2146964 | 2 | 1 | 2000000 |
47 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_KILL_ALL_MPI_RANKS | 2146964 | 2147078 | 114 | 16207 | 7033 |
48 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2147078 | 2147316 | 238 | 3 | 79333333 |
cat CloudAssembly/Scheduling/2.MasterTicks.txt
Index | Master mode | Start time in milliseconds | End time in milliseconds | Duration in milliseconds | Number of ticks | Average granularity in nanoseconds |
0 | RAY_MASTER_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 0 | 2147297 | 2147297 | 378412973 | 5674 |
cat CloudAssembly/Scheduling/3.SlaveTicks.txt
Index | Slave mode | Start time in milliseconds | End time in milliseconds | Duration in milliseconds | Number of ticks | Average granularity in nanoseconds | Received messages | Average number of received messages per second | Sent messages | Average number of sent messages per second |
0 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 0 | 3 | 3 | 888 | 3378 | 2 | 666 | 0 | 0 |
1 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_TEST_NETWORK | 3 | 28374 | 28371 | 5036353 | 5633 | 8049 | 283 | 8049 | 283 |
2 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 28374 | 28385 | 11 | 3995 | 2753 | 1 | 90 | 0 | 0 |
3 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_COUNT_FILE_ENTRIES | 28385 | 28570 | 185 | 22828 | 8104 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 10 |
4 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 28570 | 28918 | 348 | 34728 | 10020 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
5 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_LOAD_SEQUENCES | 28918 | 28918 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
6 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 28918 | 29276 | 358 | 36783 | 9732 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
7 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_BUILD_KMER_ACADEMY | 29276 | 41313 | 12037 | 1990908 | 6045 | 810 | 67 | 810 | 67 |
8 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_SEND_DISTRIBUTION | 41313 | 41314 | 1 | 222 | 4504 | 1 | 1000 | 2 | 2000 |
9 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 41314 | 41432 | 118 | 20474 | 5763 | 2 | 16 | 1 | 8 |
10 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_EXTRACT_VERTICES | 41432 | 65688 | 24256 | 3808992 | 6368 | 10618 | 437 | 10618 | 437 |
11 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_PURGE_NULL_EDGES | 65688 | 72016 | 6328 | 915472 | 6912 | 326 | 51 | 326 | 51 |
12 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_WRITE_KMERS | 72016 | 72016 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
13 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 72016 | 72113 | 97 | 13227 | 7333 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
14 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_INDEX_SEQUENCES | 72113 | 85963 | 13850 | 2128138 | 6508 | 1157 | 83 | 1158 | 83 |
15 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 85963 | 85969 | 6 | 2362 | 2540 | 1 | 166 | 0 | 0 |
16 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_START_SEEDING | 85969 | 226743 | 140774 | 24660206 | 5708 | 44306 | 314 | 44307 | 314 |
17 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 226743 | 226831 | 88 | 10290 | 8551 | 1 | 11 | 0 | 0 |
18 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_SEND_SEED_LENGTHS | 226831 | 226831 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
19 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 226831 | 226951 | 120 | 22282 | 5385 | 3 | 25 | 1 | 8 |
20 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_AUTOMATIC_DISTANCE_DETECTION | 226951 | 371423 | 144472 | 25839442 | 5591 | 42019 | 290 | 42020 | 290 |
21 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 371423 | 371423 | 0 | 342 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
22 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_SEND_LIBRARY_DISTANCES | 371423 | 371425 | 2 | 349 | 5730 | 1 | 500 | 2 | 1000 |
23 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 371425 | 371533 | 108 | 17483 | 6177 | 2 | 18 | 1 | 9 |
24 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_EXTENSION | 371533 | 875049 | 503516 | 86024411 | 5853 | 153627 | 305 | 153628 | 305 |
25 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 875049 | 956709 | 81660 | 14967577 | 5455 | 5036 | 61 | 5035 | 61 |
26 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DISTRIBUTE_FUSIONS | 956709 | 959308 | 2599 | 480956 | 5403 | 241 | 92 | 242 | 93 |
27 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 959308 | 959309 | 1 | 360 | 2777 | 1 | 1000 | 0 | 0 |
28 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_FUSION | 959309 | 1113988 | 154679 | 27155156 | 5696 | 45091 | 291 | 45092 | 291 |
29 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1113988 | 1114022 | 34 | 1660 | 20481 | 2 | 58 | 1 | 29 |
30 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DISTRIBUTE_FUSIONS | 1114022 | 1114632 | 610 | 92412 | 6600 | 233 | 381 | 234 | 383 |
31 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1114632 | 1115292 | 660 | 131616 | 5014 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 6 |
32 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_FINISH_FUSIONS | 1115292 | 1244313 | 129021 | 22651248 | 5695 | 45309 | 351 | 45310 | 351 |
33 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1244313 | 1244408 | 95 | 2008 | 47310 | 2 | 21 | 1 | 10 |
34 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DISTRIBUTE_FUSIONS | 1244408 | 1245115 | 707 | 117336 | 6025 | 239 | 338 | 240 | 339 |
35 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1245115 | 1245249 | 134 | 27084 | 4947 | 6 | 44 | 5 | 37 |
36 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_FUSION | 1245249 | 1396124 | 150875 | 26703744 | 5649 | 47633 | 315 | 47634 | 315 |
37 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1396124 | 1425655 | 29531 | 5412364 | 5456 | 2792 | 94 | 2791 | 94 |
38 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DISTRIBUTE_FUSIONS | 1425655 | 1427976 | 2321 | 424400 | 5468 | 225 | 96 | 226 | 97 |
39 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1427976 | 1428101 | 125 | 23388 | 5344 | 8 | 64 | 7 | 56 |
40 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_FINISH_FUSIONS | 1428101 | 1572525 | 144424 | 25336440 | 5700 | 44544 | 308 | 44545 | 308 |
41 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1572525 | 1572717 | 192 | 15652 | 12266 | 2 | 10 | 1 | 5 |
42 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DISTRIBUTE_FUSIONS | 1572717 | 1577802 | 5085 | 935540 | 5435 | 234 | 46 | 235 | 46 |
43 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1577802 | 1577878 | 76 | 5748 | 13221 | 1 | 13 | 0 | 0 |
44 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_FUSION | 1577878 | 1711356 | 133478 | 23081916 | 5782 | 44544 | 333 | 44545 | 333 |
45 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1711356 | 1711449 | 93 | 1460 | 63698 | 2 | 21 | 1 | 10 |
46 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DISTRIBUTE_FUSIONS | 1711449 | 1712791 | 1342 | 241900 | 5547 | 231 | 172 | 232 | 172 |
47 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1712791 | 1712799 | 8 | 2736 | 2923 | 4 | 500 | 3 | 375 |
48 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_FINISH_FUSIONS | 1712799 | 1828907 | 116108 | 20311968 | 5716 | 44544 | 383 | 44545 | 383 |
49 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1828907 | 1829003 | 96 | 2364 | 40609 | 2 | 20 | 1 | 10 |
50 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DISTRIBUTE_FUSIONS | 1829003 | 1830182 | 1179 | 201264 | 5857 | 226 | 191 | 227 | 192 |
51 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1830182 | 1830332 | 150 | 27824 | 5391 | 9 | 60 | 8 | 53 |
52 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_SEND_EXTENSION_DATA | 1830332 | 1830332 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
53 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 1830332 | 1830338 | 6 | 2039 | 2942 | 1 | 166 | 0 | 0 |
54 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_SCAFFOLDER | 1830338 | 2084513 | 254175 | 44050323 | 5770 | 116776 | 459 | 116777 | 459 |
55 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2084513 | 2141225 | 56712 | 10379537 | 5463 | 4482 | 79 | 4481 | 79 |
56 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_COUNT_SEARCH_ELEMENTS | 2141225 | 2141226 | 1 | 397 | 2518 | 2 | 2000 | 3 | 3000 |
57 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2141226 | 2141232 | 6 | 2203 | 2723 | 1 | 166 | 0 | 0 |
58 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_ADD_COLORS | 2141232 | 2141252 | 20 | 1781 | 11229 | 1 | 50 | 3 | 150 |
59 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2141252 | 2141347 | 95 | 11791 | 8056 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
60 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_CONTIG_BIOLOGICAL_ABUNDANCES | 2141347 | 2145419 | 4072 | 712838 | 5712 | 341 | 83 | 342 | 83 |
61 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2145419 | 2146393 | 974 | 180490 | 5396 | 9 | 9 | 7 | 7 |
62 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_SEQUENCE_BIOLOGICAL_ABUNDANCES | 2146393 | 2146505 | 112 | 18809 | 5954 | 2 | 17 | 3 | 26 |
63 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2146505 | 2146511 | 6 | 2187 | 2743 | 1 | 166 | 0 | 0 |
64 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_SEARCHER_CLOSE | 2146511 | 2146511 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
65 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2146511 | 2146528 | 17 | 571 | 29772 | 1 | 58 | 0 | 0 |
66 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_PHYLOGENY_MAIN | 2146528 | 2146640 | 112 | 13757 | 8141 | 1 | 8 | 2 | 17 |
67 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2146640 | 2146745 | 105 | 16783 | 6256 | 1 | 9 | 0 | 0 |
68 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_ONTOLOGY_MAIN | 2146745 | 2146865 | 120 | 11310 | 10610 | 1 | 8 | 3 | 25 |
69 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2146865 | 2146874 | 9 | 2982 | 3018 | 1 | 111 | 0 | 0 |
70 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_NEIGHBOURHOOD | 2146874 | 2146874 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
71 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DO_NOTHING | 2146874 | 2146993 | 119 | 20607 | 5774 | 2 | 16 | 1 | 8 |
72 | RAY_SLAVE_MODE_DIE | 2146993 | 2147349 | 356 | 1 | 356000000 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 |