Beatles and Bioinformatics! 27th November 2013 in Liverpool

Twitter superstar Nick Loman has organized a great meeting in Liverpool (United Kingdom) called Beatles and Bioinformatics! on 27th November 2013. I just gave my keynote talk about Ray and metagenomics. I am currently attending the new great talks.

You can watch the live talks from Beatles and Bioinformatics! on the YouTube channel called pathogenomics.

Also, the CGR (Center for Genomic Research) Course in Metagenomics (held on 28th & 29th November 2013 in Liverpool) will cover 16S ribosonal RNA analysis and so-called OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Unit). The agenda is available too.

Update 2013-11-27 23:07 GMT:

Direct links to each talk on YouTube:

Organized by the University of Birmingham and University of Liverpool 

Update 2013-11-27 23:46 GMT:

Checkout the tweets on Twitter with hashtag #BeatlesAndBioinformatics !


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