My Bodyweight strength routine (September 2020 Update 2)


In the last post, I presented a split routine that I was using at the time to develop bodyweight strength.

Since then, I started reading the book Overcoming gravity, 2nd edition, by author Steven Low.

This book recommends a full-body routine for my level:

    "If you are a beginner or intermediate athlete -- as indicated by the strength         progression charts -- you should utilize a full-body routine with few exceptions."

-- Steven Low, page 73, Chapter 7 - Constructing your workout routine, Overcoming gravity, 2nd edition, 598 pages,  ISBN-13 : 978-0990873853 .

The progression charts of the book Overcoming gravity, 2nd edition, are available online as a standalone printable file.

My new full-body routine is performed 3 times per week.



* 1 strict pull-up
* Better wrist mobility


* Blood flow: squats
* Mobility: do circles with joints

Skill work

* Wall handstand: 4 x 30s

Strength work

* Vertical pull: Assisted pull-ups, 4 x 4, 3 minutes rest, 10x0 tempo
* Horizontal pull: Rows: 4 x 10, 3 minutes rest, 10x0 tempo
* Straight-arm pull: Tuck L-sit, 4 x 30s

* Vertical push: dips, 4 x 10, 3 minutes rest, 10x0 tempo
* Horizontal push: push-ups, 4 x 10, 3 minutes rest, 10x0 tempo
* Push: Frog stand, 4 x 10s

* Squats: 4 x 30
* Chair pistols: 4 x 5-5
* Lunges: 4 x 10-10

Cool down

* Drink water


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