My accomplishments in 2012

Dear readers,

2012 was a busy year.

2012 accomplishments
(starting with the most significant)
  1. Publication of a scientific paper in the really good journal Genome Biology (impact factor: 9.04)
  2. Ray Meta, a free open software (generalization of Ray heuristics for metagenomes)
  3. The RayPlatform framework
  4. Invited participation as an expert to Next Generation Sequence Analysis 2012
  5. Invited seminar at Argonne National Laboratory
  6. Invited SciNet Developer Seminars (for computer scientists; for biologists and bioinformaticians) at SciNet in Toronto
  7. Technical guidance (for director Jacques Corbeil and codirector François Laviolette) for a  1 M$ Genome Canada application, 2012 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Competition
  8. Creation of the mini-ranks hybrid programming model (with Fangfang Xia and Rick Stevens) 
  9. Editorial rejection at Nature Genetics (2012-06-12)
  10. Editorial rejection at Nature Methods (2012-06-29)
  11. Editorial rejection at Genome Research (2012-07-10)
Agenda for 2013

  1. A paper about mini-ranks as a hybrid programming model
  2. Ray Cloud Browser: interactively skim processed genomics data with energy
  3. Deposit my Ph.D. thesis (2013-08-31)
  4. Finish Ph.D. (2013-12-31)


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