The life cycle of a scientific manuscript

The manuscript:

Sebastien Boisvert, Frederic Raymond, Elenie Godzaridis, Francois Laviolette and Jacques Corbeil
Ray Meta: scalable de novo metagenome assembly and profiling
Genome Biology

For authors's contributions, see the paper on the publisher website.

We started to work on this project on 2012-02-25 according to "git log".

Date Journal Event
2012-06-07 Nature Genetics Manuscript submission
2012-06-12 Nature Genetics Editorial rejection
2012-06-15 Nature Methods Manuscript submission
2012-06-29 Nature Methods Editorial rejection
2012-07-05 Genome Research Manuscript submission
2012-07-10 Genome Research Editorial rejection
2012-07-11 Genome Biology Presubmission enquiry
2012-07-18 Genome Biology Positive editorial response to presubmission enquiry
2012-07-24 Genome Biology Manuscript submission
2012-09-18 Genome Biology Reception of reviewers's comments from the Editor
2012-10-24 Genome Biology Revised manuscript submission
2012-11-19 Genome Biology Editorial acceptation
2012-12-22 Genome Biology Publication prior to copyediting and formatting
2013-xx-xx Genome Biology Publication of copy-edited and formatted manuscript

I don't mind any of the delays.

I am very appreciative of the reviewers who took the time to read and understand every experiment we did.

All contributing authors believe that the reviewers's comments improved significantly the quality of the manuscript.


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