
Showing posts from 2020

My Bodyweight Fitness workout routine (October 2020 Update)

 Hello, I bought rings. So my routine changed. I leveled up in two exercises: Regular Push-Ups 3x15 ----> Ring Push-Ups 3x8 Dips 3x12 ----> Ring Dips 3x5 My new complete routine, with the basic hierarchy based on the book  " Overcoming Gravity ": Duration: Takes around 2h30 Frequency: 3 times / week Goals 1 strict pull-up Better wrist mobility  Warm-up Blood flow Deep squats 3x15 Mobility Wrist circles 15x Shoulder circles 15x Positional drills Plank 1x60s Reverse plank 1x60s Left side plank 1x30s Right side plank 1x30s Hollow Hold 1x60s Arch Hold 1x60s Skill work Ring support hold:  3x60s Wall handstand: 3x60s Strength work Pull Ring Eccentric Pull-ups 3x5 Ring Rows 3x8 Leg-Assisted Tuck L-sit 3x60s Push Ring Dips 3x5 Ring Push-Ups 3x8 Leg-Assisted Tuck Planche 3x60s Legs Ring-Assisted Pistols 3x8 Lunges 3x10 Prehabilitation work, Flexibility work Wrist flexibility  

My 2 cents, as a LWN "professional hacker": Mercurial planning to transition away from SHA-1

  LWN article: Mercurial planning to transition away from SHA-1 My comment: Content of my comment: My 2 cents, as a LWN "professional hacker": Existing Mercurial users are using Mercurial with existing old-and-aging Mercurial repositories that use SHA-1. At my job, we use Mercurial, because it is what it is. Unless an existing repository can have both old SHA-1 hashes and $NEW-HASH hashes at the same time, I don't think that this is going to be a thing. Users just don't care. Branching You can think of Mercurial branches as Commit Namespaces rather than true branches as intended by CVS, Subversion, Git and really computer science in general. In Mercurial, each commit belongs to a Mercurial branch explicitly and forever. (The information of branch name is encoded in the data of a commit.) In Git, a commit does not contain in its data the branch name. So, what did Mercurial ...

My Bodyweight strength routine (September 2020 Update 2)

 Hello, In the last post , I presented a split routine that I was using at the time to develop bodyweight strength. Since then, I started reading the book Overcoming gravity, 2nd edition , by author Steven Low. This book recommends a full-body routine for my level:     " If you are a beginner or intermediate athlete -- as indicated by the strength           progression charts -- you should utilize a full-body routine with few exceptions." -- Steven Low, page 73, Chapter 7 - Constructing your workout routine, Overcoming gravity, 2nd edition , 598 pages,  ISBN-13 : 978-0990873853 . The progression charts of the book Overcoming gravity, 2nd edition, are available online as a standalone printable file. My new full-body routine is performed 3 times per week.   Goals * 1 strict pull-up * Better wrist mobility Warm-ups * Blood flow: squats * Mobility: do circles with joints Skill work * Wall handstand: 4 x 30s Strength work Pull * Ve...

My Weekly Bodyweight Fitness Training Program (September 2020 Update)

Hello, (You can skip the text and go straight to the program below.) Goal My goal is to do 1 strict pull-up. I am currently doing pull-ups by starting almost with my arms straight, but it is not strict form, since the arms are almost (but not fully) straight. So that's the goal. At least, I am not doing the swing pull-ups that CrossFit people do (kipping pullups or butterfly pull-ups). I started my training with this goal in mind on 2020-07-16 with the target date 2020-09-17. I got this idea of the pull-ups goal when I saw the older Jujimufu on YouTube. I was watching Jujimufu on in the early 2000s when he was less of a bodybuilder. He is a legend. I think that I will reach the 1 reps of a perfect strict-form pull-up around 2020-10-15. My program is pure bodyweight fitness training. I like it that way. It's fun and simple. Push Pull Legs (PPL) During July and August 2020, I was basically training every 2 days with pull and push exercises and no legs exerci...

Adding ZVOL VIRTIO disks to a guest running on a host with the FreeBSD BHYVE hypervisor

On atlantis.domain (my FreeBSD BHYVE hypervisor host), I use these commands: Install FreeBSD on a 10G disk. vm create -s 10G guestname   vm install FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img vm console guestname Add 8 30GB zvol-based disks vm add -d disk -t zvol -s 30G guestname vm add -d disk -t zvol -s 30G guestname vm add -d disk -t zvol -s 30G guestname vm add -d disk -t zvol -s 30G guestname vm add -d disk -t zvol -s 30G guestname vm add -d disk -t zvol -s 30G guestname vm add -d disk -t zvol -s 30G guestname vm add -d disk -t zvol -s 30G guestname You will need to do vm poweroff guestname vm start guestname because the guest does not seem to see the 8 30GB without power cycling. (rebooting won't work) *** If you want the boot disk (the one create by "vm create") to be a zvol, you must edit the template: root@atlantis:~ # zfs snapshot tank/vm-bhyve@2020-06-11-2145 root@atlantis:~ # mount -t zfs tank/vm-bhyve@2020-06-11-2145 /tank/vm-bhyve@2020-06-11-2145 r...

Changing the capacity of each VDEV in a ZPOOL without losing data and no downtime with ZFS

Before we start, let's define some acronyms. FreeBSD: Free B erkeley S oftware D istribution ZFS: Z ettabyte F ile S ystem ZPOOL: Z FS POOL DEV: DEV ice VDEV: V irtual DEV ice GEOM: disk GEOM etry BHYVE: B SD HY per V isor ZVOL: Z FS VOL ume *** I have been tinkering with FreeBSD, ZFS, GEOM, BHYVE, and other interesting technologies. *** Let's experiment on how to change the capacity of each VDEV of a ZPOOL without losing data and no downtime with ZFS. To do so, you need a set of disks that are bigger. Example, if the ZPOOL has 2 mirror VDEVs with 2 10GB disks each (total: 4 10GB disks), and you want to upgrade to 20 GB disks, than you need 4 20GB disks for the upgrade. Figure 1: Live upgrade of disks in a ZPOOL ZPOOL tank                           ZPOOL tank     VDEV mirror-0             ...

A new beginning in computational geometry

It has certainly been a while since the last post was published on this blog. At the beginning of year 2019, I somehow started to reflect on my career, where I was, and where I wanted to go in my journey. At the end of 2019, I decided to look for new opportunities, after spending more than 4 years doing software development in bioinformatics at Gydle . I was mainly looking for a new job where the computational aspect that I liked would still be a thing. I wanted also a sizable team, in order to be in an environment with social interactions. I wanted a workplace that values great software development tools and best practices. Finally, I wanted something that was not totally disconnected from what I did so far in life. That thing I did so far in life is the frontier between biology and computer science. On 13 January 2020, I started to work for Bodycad . Bodycad aims at "The Pursuit of Orthopaedic Perfection". In a nut shell, Bodycad designs and manufactures personalized ...