My Bodyweight Fitness workout routine (October 2020 Update)
Hello, I bought rings. So my routine changed. I leveled up in two exercises: Regular Push-Ups 3x15 ----> Ring Push-Ups 3x8 Dips 3x12 ----> Ring Dips 3x5 My new complete routine, with the basic hierarchy based on the book " Overcoming Gravity ": Duration: Takes around 2h30 Frequency: 3 times / week Goals 1 strict pull-up Better wrist mobility Warm-up Blood flow Deep squats 3x15 Mobility Wrist circles 15x Shoulder circles 15x Positional drills Plank 1x60s Reverse plank 1x60s Left side plank 1x30s Right side plank 1x30s Hollow Hold 1x60s Arch Hold 1x60s Skill work Ring support hold: 3x60s Wall handstand: 3x60s Strength work Pull Ring Eccentric Pull-ups 3x5 Ring Rows 3x8 Leg-Assisted Tuck L-sit 3x60s Push Ring Dips 3x5 Ring Push-Ups 3x8 Leg-Assisted Tuck Planche 3x60s Legs Ring-Assisted Pistols 3x8 Lunges 3x10 Prehabilitation work, Flexibility work Wrist flexibility